Dear doners, sponsors, and contributors, thank you for using our online payment feature. When you select the type of donation and press the ‘Pay now’ button, you will be taken to the PayPal ‘Purchase details’ page. Please follow manually: In the ‘descriptions box’, type in the descriptions of the item that you wish to sponsor/donate. In the ‘price per item’ box , type in the amount in NT$(Taiwan currency) and the quantity that you wish to donate. Then press continue. You will come to the check out page, where you can use your PayPal account to pay or use any of the credit cards shown here. Note that our PayPal system does not accept a credit card with a billing address in Taiwan. Again, TBS Dayi association thank you for your generous donation! Buddha bless <注意: PayPal不接受帳單地址在台灣的信用卡,台灣地區者請使用現金繳納、信用卡授權書或劃撥、銀行匯款>